Awakening in the Northwest Territories
One Man’s Search for Fulfilment
By Alastair Henry
If you enjoy engrossing and thought provoking reads, full of humor, adventure and intrigue, then you should get this book. Although the bookspans sixty years, the core of the story takes place in a remote location in Canada’s far north, where Alastair, discontented with the passivity of an early retirement, went to live with a small First Nations band in search of adventure and a deeper meaning to life. He found what he was looking for. Cultural differences and a challenging environment caused a paradigm shift in his spirituality and life philosophy.

Awakening in the Northwest Territories is Alastair Henry’s biography from his birth in Glasgow, Scotland in 1944 to when he departs Canada’s north sixty years later, but the guts of his memoir is the two years he spent with a small First Nations band in Lutsel K’e, a small fly-in hamlet on the east end of Great Slave Lake in Canada’s Northwest Territories.
After a strict Catholic upbringing in Bolton, Lancashire, England, Alastair emigrates to Canada by himself at the age of nineteen and becomes a typical yuppie – family, house in the suburbs, and a big job in the corporate sector. Following London Life’s Freedom 55 plan, he retires at 57 and goes to live in the country. A year later, disillusioned with the passivity of retirement and feeling unfulfilled, he sheds his material possessions and goes to work for the Lutsel K’e Dene band as the General Manager of their development corporations.
Cultural differences and a challenging environment ignite in him fresh perspectives, inspire a new way of being, and fuel his soul searching, changing the direction of his life. He leaves the north feeling fulfilled and passionate about using his skills and experience to help others less fortunate.
“…a fascinating story of a man’s introduction to an alien culture and what he learned about that culture–and about himself. A true tale filled with excitement, danger, and frustration, it is well worth reading.”

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…One bright, crisp early morning in April, I was on the deck daydreaming and gazing mindlessly at the last chunks of ice floating down the Rocky Saugeen River. I’d pick out a slab and follow it, watching it bob and swirl in the eddies, and then shrink and break up into smaller pieces, which then got sucked into the main current, swept downstream, and out of sight. And then I’d pick out another slab and follow its journey until it too disappeared. Ice was so fleeting I thought: here one minute, gone the next. Its impermanence struck a chord. And from the deep recesses of my brain bubbled a startling observation. “So too was life!” That was it. That was the epiphany I needed…